Auto-mechanical enemies have even less diversity, divided between Sentries, Scrap Mechanicals, and Combat Drones. Players have to continually take on these creatures to figure out the best way to take them down, but otherwise, the combat fighting them can get a bit repetitive. Most of these enemies can be further divided down into different kinds that distinguish how difficult they are to take on. The alien category encapsulates many enemies, including Canids, Mantipillars, Matiqueens, Primals, and Sprats. Murder on Eridanos added some interesting “possessed” human enemies, but there was really no new combat there, either. The DLC Peril on Gorgon added more Marauder types with special abilities, but otherwise fighting these enemies is pretty standard. While players would find human enemies with actual names, most of the time they would be certain types of Marauders or Outlaws.
See also Pokémon Will Always Be A Handheld Series There were three different categories of enemies: Humans, Aliens, and Auto-mechanicals.
For example, the Monarch wilderness is full of Mantiqueens and Raptidons, but players wouldn’t have to worry about encountering Primals at that time. Some enemies were locked to certain locations as well, giving an immersive experience of having players get to know the wildlife of different planets and what they should expect during their adventures. To The Outer Worlds’ credit, it did have a few different types of enemies that players had to take on.

If The Outer Worlds 2 already has new enemies and improved combat, it’ll be miles ahead of its predecessor. It all came down to mechanics, specifically combat, and how The Outer Worlds DLC didn’t really add anything new in that regard. The new game has a lot of potential by placing itself outside of Halcyon, but the plot, dialogue, and characters weren’t really what players had issues with. The Outer Worlds 2 announcement at E3 this year was unsurprising, but still excited players at the thought of seeing a brand new star system and new crewmates. While The Outer Worlds received largely positive reviews, there was one complaint players had that The Outer Worlds 2 has the chance to not only correct but completely revamp in the new game. Alongside choices that impact the trajectory of the story, players also run into combat encounters to build up their character points, collect armor, and get weapons. Obsidian Entertainment’s 2019 game The Outer Worlds brought players to the colony of Halcyon to embark on a quest to stop, or help, capitalism, and greed from taking over the colony. You Are Reading : The Outer Worlds 2 Needs To Set Itself Apart In One Big Way The Outer Worlds 2 is only in development, but it needs to set itself apart from the original game in a big way to be successful and please fans. The Outer Worlds 2 Needs To Set Itself Apart In One Big Way